6, Dec 2013
Went to a KC Chiefs Game and a Third World Country Broke Out

I may be a Kansas City area resident but having lived in the Rockies for a large chunk of my life, I’m a Denver fan, so I took the opportunity to go to a Broncos vs. Chiefs game recently, in Kansas City. This was my first, and maybe my last,…

24, Jul 2012
Yahoo! Falling to Ashes

Yahoo! may finally be heading to the pile of ashes, but we don’t know for sure if they will become a Phoenix.  I’ve been using Yahoo and their services for many years.  Once the leader of the online world, only to be dramatically overshadowed by Google which is willing to…

8, Dec 2011
Roku – Best Gadget Today

Probably the best simple gadget to buy right now is the Roku.  It’s great for streaming movies and more from multiple providers including Amazon, Hulu, Pandora, and Netflix.  Can you say “Free Movies”?  If you don’t want a BlueRay with built in streaming, or a new TV, or a game…

15, Aug 2011
Who Decides Your Next Phone Call?

What if your wireless provider decided your next call?  Since they have the information available to know exactly when to make a call and what time of day is the cheapest, and potentially when someone on your contact list might be available, then maybe they should be making your calls for…

26, Dec 2010
Is Facebook Bottle-Necked?

Facebook was growing fast, looking like the next big thing, able to leap past Google and other large internet information and social exchanges, but now it seems nearly dead in its tracks!  What’s going on with this and why may it not work out after all? Yes, Facebook has found a…

23, Dec 2010
How to Contact a Corporation

You can just about forget that.  Many companies not only don’t answer the phone with humans these days, but now they are becoming harder and harder to contact through the internet. AT&T as an example, used to have their toll free customer service number plastered all over the web site. …

18, Aug 2010
Ten Ways My Blackberry is More Productive than Your iPhone

Ten Ways My Blackberry is More Productive than Your iPhone