12, Jul 2012
Practice Management or Wealth Management?

Practice Management is a familiar subject.  Our specialty at Ecspex is providing the solutions your practice manager or service normally does not, a design for your successful lifetime. A major, often over-looked, segment of managing your success is developing a good over-all plan to manage your finances, business opportunities outside of the…

10, Jul 2012
“Dr. Doom’s” Economic Storm, with Silver Lining

Nouriel Roubini, who has been nicknamed “Dr. Doom”, is known for predictions of impending disaster in the economy of the world.  What he and others may not tell you is this is all part of a long-term cycle and it is normal for economies to reset and rebuild. Economic “Doom”…

3, Jan 2012
How to Grow Business in 2012

1. Ignore 2011 and the previous slow years and focus on the positives for 2012 2. Embrace Online Marketing and Sales as the future. It amazes me how few do this, even now. 3. Launch your business, or businesses now. 4. Use multiple platforms. 5. Broaden offerings and lines as…

8, Dec 2011
Roku – Best Gadget Today

Probably the best simple gadget to buy right now is the Roku.  It’s great for streaming movies and more from multiple providers including Amazon, Hulu, Pandora, and Netflix.  Can you say “Free Movies”?  If you don’t want a BlueRay with built in streaming, or a new TV, or a game…

2, Dec 2011
Kindle Fire, for Business

What’s the number one reason to buy a Kindle Fire?  The ability to carry your entire library of books, of any kind, with you anywhere you go.  What’s the number one business reason to own and carry the Kindle Fire?  The ability to give presentations in a coffee shop, at…

12, Sep 2011
“GAIN and CAPTURE!” market volume is downward

The slope of Volume on the markets has been down for some time now and I’ve mentioned it several times. Market Volume is simply the number of shares trading hands each trading day.  Reduced volume over time is a key symptom of the markets during the Great Depression years. I’m…

12, Sep 2011
Impact of Greece is Inflated

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Greece is only 2% of the US GDP. Why does such an economically small country have enough impact on the US as to drive our stock markets down? Because, like so many things, the country is heavily leveraged, owing much to other countries. It should…

3, Sep 2011
The Fed vs Banks, Gold Grab DejaVu!

It’s the 1930’s gold grab all over again, maybe.  Sure feels like it, looks like it, walks and talks like it. Today the Fed is suing banks over mortgage drivel.  Drivel because the Fed helped cause it, and drivel because their only remaining point of first bailing them out and…

18, Aug 2011
Fed Department of Justice Investigating S&P, What?

In obvious retaliation for downgrading the US, the Department of Justice has decided to put together an investigation to hunt for a witch called Mortgage Ratings!  If this doesn’t make you laugh, you may need a clue!  Yes, it isn’t funny in one sense but it’s still laughable.  Do we need…

18, Aug 2011
Watch for Virus Style STARTNOW Toolbar Hack

I run Nortan 360 and several other security software programs, a strong firewall, and more to keep my system clean and running.  Even with a double firewall and some computer skills I couldn’t keep this irritating thing called “STARTNOW” from somehow loading into my Internet Explorer toolbar manager as well…