16, Mar 2020
Fed Rate and Bank Reserve Change, Might be Smart

First, as long as lending requirements remain the same, every loan will be closed with a cash deposit, which alleviates some of the problem of making more cash available through Fed Funds.

3, Sep 2011
The Fed vs Banks, Gold Grab DejaVu!

It’s the 1930’s gold grab all over again, maybe.  Sure feels like it, looks like it, walks and talks like it. Today the Fed is suing banks over mortgage drivel.  Drivel because the Fed helped cause it, and drivel because their only remaining point of first bailing them out and…

16, Sep 2008
AIG Conservatorship by the Feds

How can it be positive for the Government to seize control of the largest insurer in the world? The best thing to so is allow the company to fall into liquidation