Ten Ways My Blackberry is More Productive than Your iPhone
- It has a great voice phone! I don’t hear “What?” as often, so my calls are brief.
- Nobody is stopping me to ask if they can see my device.
- Nobody is asking me which Apps I have loaded.
- Nobody is telling me which Apps they have loaded.
- My email does circles around your email.
- I can type longer Text messages which Blackberrys can display but you have to send for the rest of the text.
- Outlook works perfect with my Blackberry.
- The real game is the game of life, not the time-waster games on your cell.
- My Blackberry and my powerful laptop get more work done than your iPhone and iPad.
- My Blackberry is a symbol of business sense rather than the current fad.
Okay, that’s enough for now! lol
Anyway, there is no doubt they are both great phones and great systems!