24, Jul 2012
Yahoo! Falling to Ashes

Yahoo! may finally be heading to the pile of ashes, but we don’tInternet know for sure if they will become a Phoenix.  I’ve been using Yahoo and their services for many years.  Once the leader of the online world, only to be dramatically overshadowed by Google which is willing to take a risk on new projects.  Yahoo gets on my nerves these days for many reasons:

  1. The news content is garbage!  Must be the worst news feed in the world.
  2. User content is often too disgusting for children.
  3. Spam in the can!  I can’t believe how much spam I get.  Most people know that Yahoo seems like the spam magnet of the world.
  4. Yahoo email is the only place I get virus attacks from email these days.
  5. Web hosting service is good but behind the times for the price.
  6. No good web design tool.  They used to have a good one but failed to add CSS.
  7. Yahoo sports is okay, and Finance is really good, but that’s about all I can use them for.
  8. They killed their social platform and are now trying to bring it back in bits and pieces.
  9. Add up Google, Microsoft, WordPress, Bloomberg, and Twitter and they do pretty much everything Yahoo does and much more as a group, but better.
  10. Oh, yes, the news isn’t just bad, the headlines are often misleading which is very aggravating.
  11. The new CEO is a social butterfly who may not know what she’s doing.

Of course the new CEO could turn out okay.  The last few were… probably still jobless.  If Yahoo can regain some old glory I would be grateful to see it! If I stop using Yahoo, then where will I take my web sites and services?  I have several ideas but it isn’t as easy as it sounds.  I’m used to having one location for web design, email, and server utilities.  Google is my current choice for email and HostGator looks like a winner for web services and hosting.  The good thing about splitting up the service is that if one goes down the others should still be running, rather than an entire crash. If Yahoo truly loved, honored, and cherished my business, quality of service and support, would I ever leave them?  No. If I change, I’ll let you know.